152 research outputs found

    Excited States of Nucleic Acids Probed by Proton Relaxation Dispersion NMR Spectroscopy

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    In this work an improved stable isotope labeling protocol for nucleic acids is introduced. The novel building blocks eliminate/minimize homonuclear 13C and 1H scalar couplings thus allowing proton relaxation dispersion (RD) experiments to report accurately on the chemical exchange of nucleic acids. Using site-specific 2H and 13C labeling, spin topologies are introduced into DNA and RNA that make 1H relaxation dispersion experiments applicable in a straightforward manner. The novel RNA/DNA building blocks were successfully incorporated into two nucleic acids. The A-site RNA was previously shown to undergo a two site exchange process in the micro- to millisecond time regime. Using proton relaxation dispersion experiments the exchange parameters determined earlier could be recapitulated, thus validating the proposed approach. We further investigated the dynamics of the cTAR DNA, a DNA transcript that is involved in the viral replication cycle of HIV-1. Again, an exchange process could be characterized and quantified. This shows the general applicablility of the novel labeling scheme for 1H RD experiments of nucleic acids

    Strategies and challenges to facilitate situated learning in virtual worlds post-Second Life

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    Virtual worlds can establish a stimulating environment to support a situated learning approach in which students simulate a task within a safe environment. While in previous years Second Life played a major role in providing such a virtual environment, there are now more and more alternative—often OpenSim-based—solutions deployed within the educational community. By drawing parallels to social networks, we discuss two aspects: how to link individually hosted virtual worlds together in order to implement context for immersion and how to identify and avoid “fake” avatars so people behind these avatars can be held accountable for their actions

    Deep learning prediction of proton and photon dose distributions for paediatric abdominal tumours

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    OBJECTIVE: Dose prediction using deep-learning networks prior to radiotherapy might lead to more efficient modality selections. The study goal was to predict proton and photon dose distributions based on the patient-specific anatomy and to assess their clinical usage for paediatric abdominal tumours. MATERIAL &METHODS: Data from 80 patients with neuroblastoma or Wilms' tumour was included. Pencil beam scanning (PBS) (5mm/3%) and volumetric-modulated arc therapy (VMAT) plans (5mm) were robustly optimized on the internal target volume (ITV). Separate 3-dimensional patch-based U-net networks were trained to predict PBS and VMAT dose distributions. Doses, planning-computed tomography images and relevant optimization masks (ITV, vertebra and organs-at-risk) of 60 patients were used for training with a 5-fold cross validation. The networks' performance was evaluated by computing the relative error between planned and predicted dose-volume histogram (DVH) parameters for 20 inference patients. In addition, the organs-at-risk mean dose difference between modalities was calculated using planned and predicted dose distributions (ΔDmean= DVMAT-DPBS). Two radiation oncologists performed a blind PBS/VMAT modality selection based on either planned or predicted ΔDmean. RESULTS: Average DVH differences between planned and predicted dose distributions were ≤|6%|for both modalities. The networks classified the organs-at-risk difference as a gain (ΔDmean>0) with 98% precision. An identical modality selection based on planned compared to predicted ΔDmean was made for 18/20 patients. CONCLUSION: Deep-learning networks for accurate prediction of proton and photon dose distributions for abdominal paediatric tumours were established. These networks allowing fast dose visualization might aid in identifying the optimal radiotherapy technique when experience and/or resources are unavailable

    Autonomic response to walk tests is useful for assessing outcome measures in people with multiple sclerosis

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between changes in the autonomic control of cardiorespiratory system induced by walk tests and outcome measures in people with Multiple Sclerosis (pwMS). Methods: Electrocardiogram (ECG) recordings of 148 people with Relapsing-Remitting MS (RRMS) and 58 with Secondary Progressive MS (SPMS) were acquired using a wearable device before, during, and after walk test performance from a total of 386 periodical clinical visits. A subset of 90 participants repeated a walk test at home. Various MS-related symptoms, including fatigue, disability, and walking capacity were evaluated at each clinical visit, while heart rate variability (HRV) and ECG-derived respiration (EDR) were analyzed to assess autonomic nervous system (ANS) function. Statistical tests were conducted to assess differences in ANS control between pwMS grouped based on the phenotype or the severity of MS-related symptoms. Furthermore, correlation coefficients (r) were calculated to assess the association between the most significant ANS parameters and MS-outcome measures. Results: People with SPMS, compared to RRMS, reached higher mean heart rate (HRM) values during walk test, and larger sympathovagal balance after test performance. Furthermore, pwMS who were able to adjust their HRM and ventilatory values, such as respiratory rate and standard deviation of the ECG-derived respiration, were associated with better clinical outcomes. Correlation analyses showed weak associations between ANS parameters and clinical outcomes when the Multiple Sclerosis phenotype is not taken into account. Blunted autonomic response, in particular HRM reactivity, was related with worse walking capacity, yielding r = 0.36 r = 0.29 (RRMS) and r > 0.5 (SPMS). A positive strong correlation r > 0.7 r > 0.65 between cardiorespiratory parameters derived at hospital and at home was also found. Conclusion: Autonomic function, as measured by HRV, differs according to MS phenotype. Autonomic response to walk tests may be useful for assessing clinical outcomes, mainly in the progressive stage of MS. Participants with larger changes in HRM are able to walk longer distance, while reduced ventilatory function during and after walk test performance is associated with higher fatigue and disability severity scores. Monitoring of disorder severity could also be feasible using ECG-derived cardiac and respiratory parameters recorded with a wearable device at home

    Towards mid-position based Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy using online magnetic resonance imaging guidance for central lung tumours

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    Background and purpose: Central lung tumours can be treated by magnetic resonance (MR)-guided radiotherapy. Complications might be reduced by decreasing the Planning Target Volume (PTV) using mid-position (midP)-based planning instead of Internal Target Volume (ITV)-based planning. In this study, we aimed to verify a method to automatically derive patient-specific PTV margins for midP-based planning, and show dosimetric robustness of midP-based planning for a 1.5T MR-linac. Materials and methods: Central(n = 12) and peripheral(n = 4) central lung tumour cases who received 8x7.5 Gy were included. A midP-image was reconstructed from ten phases of the 4D-Computed Tomography using deformable image registration. The Gross Tumor Volume (GTV) was delineated on the midP-image and the PTV margin was automatically calculated based on van Herk's margin recipe, treating the standard deviation of all Deformation Vector Fields, within the GTV, as random error component. Dosimetric robustness of midP-based planning for MR-linac using automatically derived margins was verified by 4D dose-accumulation. MidP-based plans were compared to ITV-based plans. Automatically derived margins were verified with manually derived margins. Results: The mean D95% target coverage in GTV + 2 mm was 59.9 Gy and 62.0 Gy for midP- and ITV-based central lung plans, respectively. The mean lung dose was significantly lower for midP-based treatment plans (difference:-0.3 Gy; p<0.042). Automatically derived margins agreed within one millimeter with manually derived margins. Conclusions: This retrospective study indicates that mid-position-based treatment plans for central lung Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy yield lower OAR doses compared to ITV-based treatment plans on the MR-linac. Patient-specific GTV-to-PTV margins can be derived automatically and result in clinically acceptable target coverage

    Fully automated high-quality NMR structure determination of small 2H-enriched proteins

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    Determination of high-quality small protein structures by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) methods generally requires acquisition and analysis of an extensive set of structural constraints. The process generally demands extensive backbone and sidechain resonance assignments, and weeks or even months of data collection and interpretation. Here we demonstrate rapid and high-quality protein NMR structure generation using CS-Rosetta with a perdeuterated protein sample made at a significantly reduced cost using new bacterial culture condensation methods. Our strategy provides the basis for a high-throughput approach for routine, rapid, high-quality structure determination of small proteins. As an example, we demonstrate the determination of a high-quality 3D structure of a small 8 kDa protein, E. coli cold shock protein A (CspA), using <4 days of data collection and fully automated data analysis methods together with CS-Rosetta. The resulting CspA structure is highly converged and in excellent agreement with the published crystal structure, with a backbone RMSD value of 0.5 Å, an all atom RMSD value of 1.2 Å to the crystal structure for well-defined regions, and RMSD value of 1.1 Å to crystal structure for core, non-solvent exposed sidechain atoms. Cross validation of the structure with 15N- and 13C-edited NOESY data obtained with a perdeuterated 15N, 13C-enriched 13CH3 methyl protonated CspA sample confirms that essentially all of these independently-interpreted NOE-based constraints are already satisfied in each of the 10 CS-Rosetta structures. By these criteria, the CS-Rosetta structure generated by fully automated analysis of data for a perdeuterated sample provides an accurate structure of CspA. This represents a general approach for rapid, automated structure determination of small proteins by NMR

    Cold-Induced Changes in the Protein Ubiquitin

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    Conformational changes are essential for protein-protein and protein-ligand recognition. Here we probed changes in the structure of the protein ubiquitin at low temperatures in supercooled water using NMR spectroscopy. We demonstrate that ubiquitin is well folded down to 263 K, although slight rearrangements in the hydrophobic core occur. However, amide proton chemical shifts show non-linear temperature dependence in supercooled solution and backbone hydrogen bonds become weaker in the region that is most prone to cold-denaturation. Our data suggest that the weakening of the hydrogen bonds in the β-sheet of ubiquitin might be one of the first events that occur during cold-denaturation of ubiquitin. Interestingly, the same region is strongly involved in ubiquitin-protein complexes suggesting that this part of ubiquitin more easily adjusts to conformational changes required for complex formation

    Accessing ns–μs side chain dynamics in ubiquitin with methyl RDCs

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    This study presents the first application of the model-free analysis (MFA) (Meiler in J Am Chem Soc 123:6098–6107, 2001; Lakomek in J Biomol NMR 34:101–115, 2006) to methyl group RDCs measured in 13 different alignment media in order to describe their supra-τc dynamics in ubiquitin. Our results indicate that methyl groups vary from rigid to very mobile with good correlation to residue type, distance to backbone and solvent exposure, and that considerable additional dynamics are effective at rates slower than the correlation time τc. In fact, the average amplitude of motion expressed in terms of order parameters S2 associated with the supra-τc window brings evidence to the existence of fluctuations contributing as much additional mobility as those already present in the faster ps-ns time scale measured from relaxation data. Comparison to previous results on ubiquitin demonstrates that the RDC-derived order parameters are dominated both by rotameric interconversions and faster libration-type motions around equilibrium positions. They match best with those derived from a combined J-coupling and residual dipolar coupling approach (Chou in J Am Chem Soc 125:8959–8966, 2003) taking backbone motion into account. In order to appreciate the dynamic scale of side chains over the entire protein, the methyl group order parameters are compared to existing dynamic ensembles of ubiquitin. Of those recently published, the broadest one, namely the EROS ensemble (Lange in Science 320:1471–1475, 2008), fits the collection of methyl group order parameters presented here best. Last, we used the MFA-derived averaged spherical harmonics to perform highly-parameterized rotameric searches of the side chains conformation and find expanded rotamer distributions with excellent fit to our data. These rotamer distributions suggest the presence of concerted motions along the side chains

    Structural Biology by NMR: Structure, Dynamics, and Interactions

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    The function of bio-macromolecules is determined by both their 3D structure and conformational dynamics. These molecules are inherently flexible systems displaying a broad range of dynamics on time-scales from picoseconds to seconds. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy has emerged as the method of choice for studying both protein structure and dynamics in solution. Typically, NMR experiments are sensitive both to structural features and to dynamics, and hence the measured data contain information on both. Despite major progress in both experimental approaches and computational methods, obtaining a consistent view of structure and dynamics from experimental NMR data remains a challenge. Molecular dynamics simulations have emerged as an indispensable tool in the analysis of NMR data